Friday, November 18, 2011

A Letter I wish I Could Send...

Dear Early Twenty-Something Dim Wit at the Gas Pump,

I understand that you might not have to pull your car up further so that the pump can reach your gas tank. Have you considered that maybe when you do not it makes the pump behind your car inaccessible? No, I did not think were good looking. I was staring at you hoping you would move. Those two looks are distinctly different and most people can tell the difference. Also, while I am sure there was something very fascinating on your Iphone, generally people pull up to gas pumps to get gas. Not spend 5 minutes sitting there playing on their phone that cost more than their car. But's that's ok....I needed that five minutes to stretch the pump handle all the way back to my gas tank, because someone else did not pull forward enough for me to utilize it easily.  Also, when you are done getting your gas most people think that is the perfect time to exit the pumping area so that those behind you can ALSO exit the pumping area. AGAIN, I did not think you were good looking. I was again glaring at you to make you move. But by that time you figured out how to make a call on your fancy phone. How rude of me to assume you would LEAVE after pumping gas! I had to carefully reverse so that I would not hit the person waiting to use the pump behind me and pull around you. That was when you decided to glare AT ME. Please pardon my rudeness. I should never have waited patiently for you to finish your call for so long. I must have given you the impression that I WANTED to sit at the gas pump longer then necessary so that the people behind me could not use it!

Older 20 Something with Common Gas Pump Etiquette

P.S. Are you related to the I Know There is a Crosswalk 3 Yards to my Left but I Want Cross the Street Here Instead lady? I swear she could be your mom! Your glares are nearly identical! Please apologize to her for me. I didn't stop for her because, well she was not in a crosswalk and Idaho law is pretty clear on that.