Friday, November 18, 2011

A Letter I wish I Could Send...

Dear Early Twenty-Something Dim Wit at the Gas Pump,

I understand that you might not have to pull your car up further so that the pump can reach your gas tank. Have you considered that maybe when you do not it makes the pump behind your car inaccessible? No, I did not think were good looking. I was staring at you hoping you would move. Those two looks are distinctly different and most people can tell the difference. Also, while I am sure there was something very fascinating on your Iphone, generally people pull up to gas pumps to get gas. Not spend 5 minutes sitting there playing on their phone that cost more than their car. But's that's ok....I needed that five minutes to stretch the pump handle all the way back to my gas tank, because someone else did not pull forward enough for me to utilize it easily.  Also, when you are done getting your gas most people think that is the perfect time to exit the pumping area so that those behind you can ALSO exit the pumping area. AGAIN, I did not think you were good looking. I was again glaring at you to make you move. But by that time you figured out how to make a call on your fancy phone. How rude of me to assume you would LEAVE after pumping gas! I had to carefully reverse so that I would not hit the person waiting to use the pump behind me and pull around you. That was when you decided to glare AT ME. Please pardon my rudeness. I should never have waited patiently for you to finish your call for so long. I must have given you the impression that I WANTED to sit at the gas pump longer then necessary so that the people behind me could not use it!

Older 20 Something with Common Gas Pump Etiquette

P.S. Are you related to the I Know There is a Crosswalk 3 Yards to my Left but I Want Cross the Street Here Instead lady? I swear she could be your mom! Your glares are nearly identical! Please apologize to her for me. I didn't stop for her because, well she was not in a crosswalk and Idaho law is pretty clear on that. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Is anyone paying attention...?

Who's team are you on anyways?
This is very scary to me. The sad part is it is not unexpected. The day that man was elected I knew something bad was going to happen. And I am not alone. Many called it, but they were ignored. (it felt like) Few believed me when I would state Obama is a liar; now that is common knowledge. He claimed he would be transparent. To me that statement was the most transparent lie of all. My generation is ill equipped to deal with anarchy. We grew up in a country of prosperity. Some of our parents forgot to tell us the stories of the men that fought for this great nation. The school removed pieces of history they felt no longer relevant. The media vilified those with "haves" and made saints those with the "have nots." The liberals made enemies out of the soldiers that are fighting for our freedom and way of life. It is not surprising to me that this "occupation" is made up of people that do not know what they are "occupying" for. Unfortunately if you have enough people angry, even if they do not know what at, they can be dangerous. We thought Obama was dangerous before? This is only a taste of what he is capable of. His true colors are showing through. But instead of openly staying what he wants to see happen to America, he played behind the scenes and is now just stepping back and letting it happen. He is allowing us to crumble from the inside out. He is not only happy to watch our nation fall, but he happy to watch other nations take advantage of it. He is no friend of America, and he never was. Before he was elected, you were called a crazy raciest for insinuating that he was working for another team. To those that are really paying attention, does he still appear to be America's side? PC has made it impossible for anyone to call him out. We are worried we will offend someone. We are afraid we will offend Obama. Someone needs to say what needs to be said, and action taken to do what needs done. How long are we going to sit and watch him golf while the nation is spiraling into disarray?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hope you don't mind...

I have friends who like dark beer, which we all know causes the most unholy smelling flatus of all time, which could possibly be very costly to my my official position is that all dark beer should be banned from bars, hospitals, college campuses, schools, parks, and public sidewalks. Wait. I can't tell people they can't sell dark beer because it is a legal substance? Ok well then, we should as city make a regulation that states dark beer can be sold in the bar, but must be drank outside at least 50 feet from a public entrances, not around children, the elderly, on hospital property, a college campus (even though those that go to school at a COLLEGE are most likely over the age of 18 and according to the law are free and clear to make their own life choices). a park, a sidewalk (hummm.....) or near open flame. Safety first! The tax on dark beer should be raised too 2000% and the money raised from this sin of drinking dark beer and expelling the remains of digestion will go public schools, since we all know that throwing more money at the schools will fix them. Or maybe we could use it for "infrastructure." All dark beer bottles should also be printed with a cirrhosis liver on the bottle or can, along with a Surgeon General's warning about the serious health risks associated with drinking dark beer. And we should not be nice about it either. Tell them straight up how it will make their crap smell for days and might lead to an enraged spouse. Tell them they might have acidosis for days, and most of all sure they know that drinking dark beer while pregnant can cause major birth defects. What? Drinking light beer while pregnant can cause the SAME birth defects? That's ok, light beer drinkers are sensible people, no need to cover their beer bottles with all this. So, in short drinking dark beer is not illegal. Goodness no! That would be an infringement on your personal rights. But since it offends so many we just had to regulate it a bit. Hope you don't mind.

No really, for reals...

I personally do not believe the science behind the whole second hand smoke debate. My dad grew up in a house that people smoked in, and he is fine. I grew up in a house that someone smoked in, until someone did a study and decided that it was not the best health decision. And it's not, but I think the amount of second hand smoke a non-smoker is subjected to in a lifetime is not going to be any worse then the smog, pesticides, and other harmful chemicals they inhale in a lifetime... but that's another debate. :D

So someone next to you smoking. THAT KILLS. Someone next to me is eating a fast food cheesburger. THAT DOESN'T anyways. for someone eating a cheeseburger, maybe said someone is just having one fast food burger, and the other said someone is just having one cigarette? No, not likely, but just one fast food cheeseburger has about the same effect on your body as smoking just one cigarette does. Cumulative effects are what is issue here, and those that consume fast food in mass quantities raise obesity rates, which in turn raises insurance premiums. Except unlike the smoker population, they are not required to pass a swab test for insurance, even though they are killing themselves just as readily. While they do not affect my health, they affect my pocketbook which is sometimes even more viciously protected. We should all be getting cardio exercise everyday, but I don't see anyone getting taxed more or paying higher insurance premiums for being a couch potato. Those that drink and are irresponsible and decide to drive most certainly affect the health of others. But that's just a small population of drinkers right? There is a population of smokers that are irresponsible as well. They smoke with kids in the car, litter, or are rude and light up in a group of non-smokers they do not know from Adam. The only differences between the drinker and the smoker is that while the drunk driver is breaking the law and possibly killing someone, the smoker has done nothing illegal and (for the sake of second hand smoke proponents) cannot be directly tied to the untimely death of another. Though I would agree we can label that smoker a jerkface, common courtesy is the real problem.

Do I really think that people should be told they cannot eat fast food as much as they want? Or that we should be monitored and told we have to get our heart rate up over 70 three times a week for at least an hour? Or that we should bring back the Prohibition? No, not at all. It's exactly my point. I think that would be asinine. Those types of Big Brother laws are what lead to Dystopia, but I feel that this smoking ban law is riding that same wave. Business owners should be able to decide if they want to allow something that legal taking place in their establishment. Obviously those that allow smoking now feel it helps their business rather then hurt it, because if it was hurting them then they would had already axed it. They are not in the business for anyone's health, they are there to make money. Thus the reason they chose to run a business in a capitalist nation. That is how freedom works. More laws and more regulations just cause people to be less trusting of the government, because it seems that the establishment has decided they cannot trust us and that we need regulated to death. So many preach tolerance, but fail to be tolerant of what they personally do not like, which is a double standard. There is a name for them: HYPOCRITES. There are plenty of things in this world I do not like, so I stay away from them. As long as it is legal, they have the right to do what I do not like, but it is MY responsibility to stay away from it and shield my children from it. I do not expect them to change their ways for my sake, I will change mine for MY sake.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Scary thing happened to me today. I was called by someone who claimed to be a Federal employee that was investigating identity theft. He preceeded to tell me that one of my best and closest friends used my SSN # to get a loan. THIS PHONE CALL WAS A SCAM. Instead of asking ME for MY info (which most poeple do not fall for anymore) they use Facebook to get your friends names and use YOU to get info on THEM. I was so upset over what I was being told I ignored obvious red flags. I was an emotional wreck. REMEMBER: If a Federal agent is really calling for you, ask for proof of who they are. They will provide you a number that you can call that will confirm. Also, ask them to have local law enforcement contact you. They will. You can even request to speak with them in person. I asked for proof from this man, and he pushed the request aside. He had a VERY strong far east accent which was a red flag for me, however I did not want to judge him based off of that. I guess I will stop being so politically correct. Hindsight is 20/20, so now I can call out at least 15 things I noticed were off kilter, but ignored because of the friend involved. He knew the names of people I love, their addresses, phone numbers, middle names and birthdates. I have been advised that they will call many friends of people with no clear "target" but just keep making crap up until they have enough info on one person to sell on the black market. And since they know you know the people, they will keep calling and asking you. They will even tell you that since they work for the Feds the call is recorded and can be used in court, so you best make sure you do not lie and say you do not know the person(s). Since a middle name was used in my call, I did not recognize it. It was not until he gave me phone numbers and addresses that I made the connection. I am VERY aware of identity theft schemes, and of course I feel like a idiot to be fooled. He had been calling me for days, and I had ignored the calls and the voicemails as a phishing scheme! But today he called while I was shopping and caught me off guard. I did not give anything vital, though they did ask me to confirm the friend SSN#, which of course I didn't. (Like I even know it!) They are good....they are friendly and work hard to make you warm up to them. Not only do they act like YOUR identity has been used and you are liable for the bills, they also claim your friend is guilty of fraud and is going to jail. That makes for a VERY stressful situation. Luckily I went to my friends house and told her everything...and was amazed to hear she had no idea what I was talking about. The numbers I have received calls from are 321-352-6498 and 321-352-3526. I was speaking with "Officer Jones" but they use multiple names. They claim they are the Financial Crime Enforcement Agency, which is REAL agency ran by the Federal Government (albeit not so much an agency as a database). PLEASE, as my friends on Facebook you could be called by these thieves. I post this to protect you. He named 3 of my friends today (who are all friends with each other). Do not worry...if you are one of them I called you! This is just one of the schemes they use. You can check these websites for more info: