Monday, October 17, 2011

Is anyone paying attention...?

Who's team are you on anyways?
This is very scary to me. The sad part is it is not unexpected. The day that man was elected I knew something bad was going to happen. And I am not alone. Many called it, but they were ignored. (it felt like) Few believed me when I would state Obama is a liar; now that is common knowledge. He claimed he would be transparent. To me that statement was the most transparent lie of all. My generation is ill equipped to deal with anarchy. We grew up in a country of prosperity. Some of our parents forgot to tell us the stories of the men that fought for this great nation. The school removed pieces of history they felt no longer relevant. The media vilified those with "haves" and made saints those with the "have nots." The liberals made enemies out of the soldiers that are fighting for our freedom and way of life. It is not surprising to me that this "occupation" is made up of people that do not know what they are "occupying" for. Unfortunately if you have enough people angry, even if they do not know what at, they can be dangerous. We thought Obama was dangerous before? This is only a taste of what he is capable of. His true colors are showing through. But instead of openly staying what he wants to see happen to America, he played behind the scenes and is now just stepping back and letting it happen. He is allowing us to crumble from the inside out. He is not only happy to watch our nation fall, but he happy to watch other nations take advantage of it. He is no friend of America, and he never was. Before he was elected, you were called a crazy raciest for insinuating that he was working for another team. To those that are really paying attention, does he still appear to be America's side? PC has made it impossible for anyone to call him out. We are worried we will offend someone. We are afraid we will offend Obama. Someone needs to say what needs to be said, and action taken to do what needs done. How long are we going to sit and watch him golf while the nation is spiraling into disarray?

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