Friday, October 15, 2010

My Dogs - an Analysis

I love my dogs. Let me just get that out if the way. They each bring something to us we love...they also bring things to us we want nothing to do with. But part of owning pets, like raising children, is taking the good with the bad. So to name some pros, I will start with unconditional love. It's sad when people do not care for their dogs, neglect them, beat them, or abuse them in some way. the amazing thing is, those dogs will still love on that abusive owner, if given the chance. My dogs love me to death. They will cuddle with all day long if I let them. They cuddle with me at night, they cuddle with my son, if they can get close enough. If I forget to feed them one morning, they hold no grudge. When they have to be in the kennel for 3 hours while I am out...they are very happy to see me when I let them out. There is a joke that states "if you want to know who loves you more, your wife or your dog, lock them both in the car for 5 hours and see which one is happy to see you when you let them out." This is true. If Casey locked me up for 5 hours I would not be happy to see him, but the dogs would. The second thing I like about the dog is the comedy factor. I have dachshunds, which I think are the funniest looking animal on the face of the planet, next to the platypus. I laugh at them when I see them, just because they look so comical. Their personalties match their bodies...they are short tempered and a bit unbalanced. They love to "weenie roast" as we call it...lay in the sun that is shining in through the windows. The third thing I love about my dogs is that they are protective. I will not lie, the barking drives me crazy, but I always remind my self that they are just protecting the family and home. You make laugh and as me what 3 mini doxies are going to do if someone breaks into my house. Well...they will not do much damage to the individual (well they might...Dachshunds are considered a vicious breed), but if someone is in my house uninvited, I will know about before they even get in the window/door. They hear things I cannot even register. They may bark at it all things both good and bad, but at least I know about it. So watch your ankles burglars. Every dog here is different, they have a personality:

Miri Star: Bless this dogs heart, she is stupid. She also has a bit of weight issue that we cannot get under control...might be all the "snacks" she eats, but I get into that later. Some days she more resembles a seal with ears, not a dachshund. I am sure she has an IQ, and I am pretty sure it falls with in the "box of rocks" range. I guess she could just be stubborn, which I am sure is part of it, but I blame most of it on a short memory span and just being generally obtuse. She will commit the same infraction 12 times a day, no matter who is watching and still looks just as baffled when Casey says, "really dog!? I am RIGHT HERE!" when she tries to eat Elvis's poop. Speaking of, thats the other thing. She eats poop. The other two do not do this, but we hear it's normal. She does not eat her own poop. Just the other dog's; she does have standards after all. She sure does like to break free of the cage though. If she gets outside with out a leash...the race is on. We are not sure what causes this. She is fixed, so it cannot be a reproduction thing, she is well taken care of so it cannot be she wants a better life. I just take it to mean she has an adventurous spirit. Maybe I am too hard on Miri. I grew up with a black lab, arguably one of the smartest breeds out there. I used to just think she was a normal Doxie, until we got Elvis. Then it became clear...she was dumb. But that's OK too. Miri is loyal and loving, and I don't need a Einstein to keep me company.

Elvis - This is the best looking dog we own. He is sleek, shiny, the right weight, has great markings, and the attitude to match. When I think of Elvis as a person, I see a classy man is a great suit, ready to take on the world. He does not over eat, in fact he will rarely eat unless you are feeding him something that actually tastes good. He is the most vocal of the bunch, and prances (litteraly...he prances, tail up in the air and everything) around the house like he owns it. Even with him seeming to be the head honcho around here, he is very even tempered and kind of reminds me of my Uncle Royce. Just cool, calm and collected all the time. Till he barks. He is always the first to bark and the last. And if one of the other dogs barks first for some reason he starts right in, even if he doesn't know what he is barking at. He is the one I am telling to be quiet most the time, but he honestly is the calmest dog we own. I have a soft spot for Elvis right now. With the addition of another (non-fixed) male in the house, he has become slightly withdrawn. He has always done his own thing, but Miri usually followed suit and now she is not doing that anymore as she is off with the new male. Maybe he doesn't even notice, but he used to wrestle and play with Miri a lot and not he sits and watches (and whines) while Miri and the new male play. Because of this I have been giving him special attention because I think he feels left dogs even feel left out? Elvis is defiantly my dog. Miri has always gravitated to Casey...Elvis prefers me over anyone. And I kind of like it.

Motley: Mottles is our new addition. He is not fixed...and so he follows Miri around the house most of the day. Doxies and are VERY hard to train...and more difficult to house break, but we knew it was coming. He is certainly a puppy. He has the puppy look to him which means I usually assume (incorrectly) that he is innocent of all wrong doing. Chew a hole in the couch? Me? NEVER. Steal Xavie's pig toy? NEVER. Pee on your leg? That COULD NOT have been me. I don't know if he is just highly attached right now, or if he is worried he will be abandoned again (he was not abandoned....but we did take him away from a owner that could not take care of him anymore), but he pretty much follows me everywhere right now. He sleeps right next to me and prefers to have his nose buried in my shirt or pants or whatever...I am not sure how he breathes that way but that's the way he likes it. He is also always under foot. I don't think I realized how well we had trained Miri and Elvis to not be under our feet (or maybe they were just kicked a lot by accident and figured it out themselves) but they are really good about it. Motley is not. I trip over him about 6 times a day. He also gets stepped on. He likes to lick faces which drives me crazy, but I think it bothers Xavie more because he can't stand up to get away from it. That is another thing we have done well with the other two. They will lick your face sometimes, but not consistently 24/7. Mottles has yet to really let his personalty show, though I think he will be more like Miri....but I could be wrong! Maybe we will get something all different and fantastic.

How can I not be thrilled to have these little buddies in my life?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Adventures at the Department of Labor

So since I am officially adding to the nation wide unemployment percentages, I thought I would have a try at the department of labor and cash in on some of those unemployment benefits I have been paying into for 13 years. Ok well, I didn't just decide today...truth is we have little choice. I hate the idea of being on unemployment. I feel that it should be used by those that are really suffering, and I have yet to suffer. That said I will be suffering soon enough if I don't get some income. I am shocked and amazed at the crap you have to do...and to be honest most of it is just bureaucratic bull. Lots of red tape that they claim stops people from abusing the system, when really there is only one question in the long list that would even be considered some kind of fraud prevention. That question is "Have you applied to the number of jobs required for benefits?" or something like that. And all you have to do is click "Yes." REALLY? That's their grand idea for stopping people from scamming the government...which in turn means the AMERICAN PEOPLE? You don't even have to go down there anymore, you can call in or get online. (I would like to think they have some other prevention method in place, but as a naturaly honest person, maybe I am just not seeing it) Now, I realize this is a sensitive subject. I think in my first blog I spoke about not getting to political on this blog, but it's my blog and I do what I want. So here goes...I am a people watcher. How you act in certain situations can tell a lot about you and your ethics, beliefs and your honesty. While I would say most of the people I come in contact with on a day to day basis do not come off as crazy loons that want to scam you and your family out of money and everything else...they are out there. I would say they tend to congregate at the employment office. First off let me say I used to think it was called the Unemployment office, because really people go to the Department of Labor for little else. Now when I hear people call it the unemployment office it really bugs me for some reason. I went there once to do a typing test so I could get hired on at my last job. When I sat down to start this whole process I had to give my SSN and she said "Oh! You are in the system!" "Huh? I don't know why...I have never been here before." Oh it was for employment services about 5 years ago." "Oh that was for a typing test." Wow thanks Big Brother, your immaculate records can remember my typing test, but cannot ask people face to face or double check on them to make sure they are not scamming the system. So back to the people watching...well listening I guess I should say. I got the privilege of sitting in a confined space with others trying to get benefits for about an hour an a half...and let me tell you, conversations give you away. One person was mad that she got a letter telling her she needed to come down to the office and discuss her benifits. I could rewrite the letter for the State if she would prefer, then maybe she wouldn't have been so perturbed.

Dear Sir/Madam,

CONGRATULATIONS! You have been selected as one of our weekly unemployment benefits winners! Please come down to the office at your convenience (as we know you must be booked with other things to do being jobless and all) to claim your winnings. We encourage you to please put your name in the pool again as we are selecting many winners each week. Hope to see you soon!

The DoL

Now I know that even the unemployed have things to do. I have a child to take care of and finding 3 hours to go down there can be trying, but I make do. And I am lucky, I have a hubby that works two jobs in an attempt to keep us afloat, a sister in Law that will take him anytime, and a great grandma just down the street itching for toddler time. Next up on my eves dropping list, was the nice elderly woman. She sat patiently and I got the feeling that she had hit some rough times. Her husband was with her and she was very sweet. Me and her made some chit chat, mainly about my hair. It is fabulous after all. It wasn't until her husbands name was called and she didn't hear it that things turned ugly. As soon as they called the next name on the list after hers, that woman who had a cane and could barley move in her chair was suddenly a USA team gymnast. "We were before him!" Well, it is then I start to feel bad for the people that work at the DoL. Poor security kid didn't know what hit him. I wouldn't know what hit me if a 80 year old tornado of nasty came spiraling out of control towards me either. He was nice and let them go next. But my favorite eavesdropping moment was next up and I had to focus. The conversation went something like this:

[Young female voice] This is really long wait. We need to go to the gas station.
[Geriatric male voice] Yes it is a long wait. What do you need to go to the gas station for?
[Young female voice] Cigarettes.
[Geriatric male voice] Ah ok, you should buy me a soda.
[Young female voice] You are the one with the money Grandpa, you should buy me a soda.
[Geriatric male voice] Well you will have money soon. What do you want to be when you grow up?
[Young female voice] Something better then I am now.
[Geriatric male voice] Well that’s a good goal. If we ever get out of here, we can go to the gas station.
[Young female voice] (in the general direction on the security guard) You know, if you are going to make us wait this long, you should have free tea or coffee or something. And some cable TV wouldn't hurt either.



{{{Jessi talking to herself}}}
I am going to rip my hair out. Did i really just hear that correctly? Seriously. What the I crazy? Did no one else hear this and not mentally freak out? More free stuff? Really? I am going to explode. How long have I been here? Good thing I had coffee before I came. Oh please tell me they are next I cannot listen to her anymore. God please help me. I feel the word vomit bile in my throat and I don't know how long I can hold it. {{{Jessi Markwell, you are up!}}} OH THANK YOU LORD!

There is just so many things I could say here, so in the interest of time I am just going to type them all out with no further explanation given.

Whoa there tiger, free stuff isn't all that free. Someone pays for it, and my bet is it is not you.

That’s is where my taxes went last year. Cigarettes.

Good job for jumping in and teaching the young one a thing or two about a false sense of entitlement there Grandpa.

That's what we need, cable TV! Then everyone would just DREAD coming to the DoL enough to go out and find a job! DUH!

Coffee? Yes that would be nice. Give people one more reason to roll out bed, put on a dirty shirt and drive to the DoL un-showered to get free money...and now coffee too. wOOt!

Ok, ok...So by now if you do not agree with my ethics, beleifes, or view you are about ready to start typeing a responce to me. Save it. I don't want to hear it (Ok ok Brandi and TT excluded, though I don't think they would really disagree that much). Truth is most people there look like they are genuinely trying to find a job or better themselves, however it's those few diamond psychos in the rough that just make my day oh so entertaining...and aggravating. But who am I to judge right? I mean...I paid my taxes last year like the rest, er most, er some, or a few of the nation did right?

So while I was mildly irritated at having to sit for an hour and a half to talk to some guy for 2 minutes that gave me bad info (meaning I get to do this all over again tomorrow)...I get it. The people at the DoL have a rather sunny disposition considering all the crap they must hear all day long. Though one did make a comment that made me want to slap her..."Sorry for the wait, we are having some staff shortage issues." Correct me if I am wrong, but this is the EMPLOYMENT OFFICE is it not? You have literally hundreds of unemployed people walk though that door every day. Can I get an application?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Philippine Travel Logs - Ummm...3 days before I leave I think...

Sleeping during the day can be interesting. If you forget to put on the “Do not disturb” sign you get woke up by housekeeping. The Edsa Shangri-La is a great hotel, and they keep me amused. Besides everyone knowing my name (how do they do that!?), my room cleaners leave me notes to “Ms. Jessica” asking me if the room is cleaned to my liking. People here are so polite…and it’s a genuine politeness. I had to try and throw away my hair dryer 3 times because they kept taking it out of the garbage telling me that I must have made a mistake in putting it there. The wake up calls are funny…never quite the time I ask for but they do wake me up so I am grateful for that. I asked for one at 6 PM, with a follow up at 6:15 PM. They came at 6:15 PM and 6:18 PM. But that was only once….usually they are within 5 minutes of the time I asked for. Also it seems that the messages that make it to guests do not always make it to the employees…which I can understand working for a huge international company. I received a typed note on my desk on very nice paper telling me that they were going to be painting the outside of the hotel today, right outside my window. There was no date on it and I didn’t know how long the note has been there. I called the front desk to confirm and the nice lady had no idea what I was talking about, they were not painting the hotel. So when I was woke up at noon by someone swinging around on a gondola outside my window I was a little startled. The kitchen staff is funny too. Since I eat dinner in the AM, I order off the Night Owl menu, which I am finding is relative. The menu says “served from 11 PM to 5 AM”…but unless it’s a breakfast food they do not really have it. I tried to order fried rice with prawns (which they DID have available at 8 am last week) and they didn’t have it. I did point out that it was on the Night Owl menu and was apologized to like 80 times...I felt kind of bad and will not be pointing that out again. I would rather they think I am rude for asking for dinner at 8 AM rather then make them feel incompetent. But I am not complaining. I have found the errors refreshing because the first week I was here and nothing was amiss...I was feeling too pampered. I like being pampered, but not to the 5 Star Hotel level. You don’t have to change my sheets every day. Folding my clothes is unnecessary. I can use a bath towel more than once. I do not need slippers. I will not be calling you to come take away my food cart…I can live with it in the room with me till I leave for work. No need to call me in 30 minutes to ask if the food was to my liking. I do not need a newspaper everyday (though I know some do, but I just throw mine away). No need to have the kitchen staff prepare dinner food for me on special request…I can eat eggs if it’s easier on you guys. They don’t even tease me when I say “good morning!” at 8 pm when I leave for work, and they always correct me when I ask for a pickup at 7 PM instead of 7 AM like I really need. I like the call center and all, but I think I might go mad if I had to be there for 23 hours straight. So after eating burgers and eggs for the last two weeks I decided to change it up a bit. Ordered a traditional Japanese breakfast this morning (before I went to bed so to me that would be “last night” but whatever). It looked safe because it was salmon, rice, Miso soup and Japanese pickles. I mean how bad could Japanese pickles be right? Well the salmon was good, and the rice was…well it was rice. Not a big fan of Miso soup, which I already knew. But those pickles…let me tell you….I can still smell those things. They were nasty. I didn’t actually eat one. I just smelled it. That was bad enough. The smelled stayed in my nose. It got to the point I had to take the rice and salmon and move them to a separate plate…and take the plate with the pickles into the bathroom and close the door because I was having trouble eating my food smelling them. Why didn’t I take them off my plate? I was not touching them. I touched one to smell it and my fingers still smell of Japanese pickle, and I have slept 7 hours, showered and went out for Italian since then. So what I am getting at is…I am not a fan of Japanese pickles. I was invited to go eat with a group here. Ariel (Process Lead) and his team were going to go have dinner and meeting here at 5:30 PM. I went to best at 9 AM this morning so I got in a good 7 hours before I had to get up. When I got here I turned on my computer and discovered it was 3:30 AM at home. WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING AWAKE??? I figure that means I got up at 1 AM! So most the team couldn’t make it so Ariel and I went to a nice Italian restaurant in the mall. It was fun, Ariel is a cool guy. I told him that all Italian restaurants must have the same decorating motif worldwide because this place was very similar to Johnny Carino’s/Olive Garden. They all seem to have an exorbitant amount of framed black and white photos on the walls. So now I am at work, albeit an hour early but that’s ok…I needed to update my blog anyways right? So “tonight” after I sleep I will be going to see The Last Airbender with some of the team, then work, then shopping, then dinner. I think. I might be messed up on the order. All I know is after work tomorrow I will not sleep until Saturday evening. Jessi might get a little loopy.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Philippine Travel Logs - Day 4 though "I don't know what day it is anymore..."

I have gotten used to working at night, though I have to admit it was not that hard. Beings that I didn’t have to change my schedule from the States it has been easy. After work on Friday Kath, Ron S., Mylene and I went shopping at Greenhills. Wow. It is a shopping mall that is like one big craft sale. Tons on knockoff purses and wallets, scarves, shoes, jewelry and everything in-between. It was strange because everyone yells at you “Buy a purse Ma’am” and hands you things. I told them it was difficult for me because where I am from when someone talks to you, you acknowledge them, but that was impossible there. I had to learn to ignore people, though I am pretty sure I said “no thank you” about 800,000 times that day. I managed to get most of my shopping taken care of there, though I have a few more to buy. I kept asking everyone if they were tired but they all said no, however Ron did mention on the way back to the hotel that I was not kidding when I said I could shop for long hours. When I finally looked at my watch I had been up for 22 hours straight. It was around them my decision making skills took a dive. Who knew Brandi was so hard to buy for. I am hoping to make it back there, there are some things I wish I would have bought. Since I don’t fly out till Sunday I should be able to do that. We ate and once I got back to the hotel it was 6 PM, which is when I usually would be getting up for work. I laid down and was out and did not even open my eyes for 12 hours on the dot. I woke up at 6 AM. I ate, facebooked and watched TV for a few hours and went back to bed. Slept for another 10 hours and work up at like 1 am. Perfect. Stayed up watching TV and playing on the internet. At one point I did have to call the front desk to ask what day it was, because I was getting a little confused! On Sunday I got to talk to Xavie and Casey on webcam. At first only mine was working so they could see me, but I could only hear them. I heard Xavie saying “Mama! Mama!” and I wanted to see him so bad. He is just so precious I could hardly stand it. I wanted to hug him so bad. Times like that make me so excited for when I get off the plane back home. My wish is that he will always run into my arms and hug me, though last time when I got home from Panama all he did was look at me and yell, “Clock!” Maybe that was his way of asking me why I was gone so long or something. This week I need to focus on pictures. I don’t want to forget the people I have met here, and leaving will be hard knowing I will never see them again. In Panama there was a chance I was coming back, so I think that made it easier to say goodbye. Monday starts my last week at Dell. I cannot explain how that makes me feel. Part of it doesn’t feel real at all. Dell has been a constant in my life, and since I am not in my normal environment I am having issues separating leaving the Philippines for leaving Dell overall. I have to admit though things have not seemed normal since the call center closed. That place was my second home. Anywhere I can sit on the toilet seat without hovering is somewhere I consider home. Only a handful of places fit this requirement…My house, Mom and Dad’s house, Grandma and Grandpa’s house, Brandi and Mitch’s house, Tiff and Tyler’s house, my Father-in-Laws house, and the call center. Anywhere else and you can bet your butt that mine is not touching a toilet seat. Working from home instead of there never really felt real. Felt more like the whole thing was temporary, and now I know why I guess. Because it was. That site closing stated a countdown; a countdown to a change. I just didn’t know what that change was going to be. It could have been going to Texas, it could have been leaving Dell all together….only time would tell. And now it has. J So while my job here is not yet done I do find myself thinking about what I will do when I get home. Casey has told me to take a few weeks and just be home with Xavie and pretend to be a stay at home Mommy like I have always dreamed of being, but I am not sure I can do that. Not when I know the money is slowing running out and nothing is refilling it. I will be a mad woman looking for a job. I will be sad to leave here too….the Philippine call center is awesome. I could see myself sitting on their toilet seats in a few months time. The cubes are my size, the cubes are Dell blue, they have free good coffee that is all you can drink, the building lights up rainbow colors on the outside (I freaking love LED lights!), there is a mall across the street, and there is Chinese and Japanese food is everywhere….it’s like this place is made for me or something. So off to bed to start a new adventure in the morning!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Philippines Travel Log - Day 3

Day 3 I woke up and turned on the news. They said something about a Typhoon but I wasn’t really paying attention. I noted the word Typhoon and on the way to the call center I got a little worried, then I calmed back down. I thought Typhoon was like a weak hurricane…and tsunami was the big one. Nope. Turns out typhoon and hurricane are the same darn thing, though I think the word typhoon is prettier…hurricane is more descriptive. It was raining when I got to the call center, but not bad. I had no idea. I mean I know what hurricanes do….I am not that naïve, but since I have never seen one in person I was unprepared….funny thing that through the whole thing I was kind of excited. Not to see bad things happen to people by any means, but just to be in a hurricane….typhoon whatever. This got looks from people when I would say I was excited for the experience. I don’t blame them. If anyone told me they were looking forward to the big blizzard and driving the snow the next day I would think they were nuts too. We risked going outside to smoke and it was INSANE. Rain like I have never seen. Two seconds in it and you would be soaked. Wind like I have never seen…and I have seen wind thank you very much. Twin is always windy, but not so much gusty like this was. Close to the building it was just kinda breezy, then a gust hit and my hair came clear up over my head. And since it is so humid there I don’t think it ever really recovered that day. There was crazy lightning, which I couldn’t tell was lightning because the building around me are so tall so I didn’t know if it was a light flashing or real lightning. Then came the power outages. Power went out about 6 times throughout the night, but the longest one was only about 3 minutes before it came back. Well the power didn’t comeback, but the back-up generator kicked on. Lunch that day was in the “pantry” or cafeteria as we call it in the States. Everything look quite good. I chose rice and BBQ chicken. I have to say Filipinos are a clean folk. They eat with both spoons and forks at the same time (spoon the right hand and fork in the left, if they are right handed) are very tidy. These are my kind of people. They keep food separated and mix it right before they eat it on their spoon. See I am not weird after all. They have no use for knives when eating and cut everything with their spoon which I thought was amazing. I was trying to cut something with my fork and got some weird looks….and they recommended I try the spoon and hold the meat down with the fork. And WOW…it really works! I never thought a spoon could cut anything. I am amazed how tidy they are when they eat. I asked if they ever use their hands because I had to eat my chicken, and well it was a drumstick so I felt hand usage was essential. They laughed and said yes so I dug in. It was pretty darn tasty…and the meat was dry. I love dry meat. And no I am not being sarcastic…I perfect my chicken on the dry side. They did laugh watching me eat rice with just a fork (or spoon) and again told me to try it with both….pushing the rice on the spoon with the fork. INGENIOUS! Why have we never thought of this? After lunch we hear a rumor that the higher ups were considering making everyone stay at the call center to sleep that day because the storm was getting bad. I wouldn’t have known, the walls in this building must be made of steel wrapped in some alloy I have never heard of, wrapped in a sound barrier that is wrapped in more steal. I did not hear a peep of that storm but when I got outside I didn’t understand how I didn’t hear anything. So while contemplating the fact I might have to sleep on the call center floor in a sleeping bag with no deodorant, or AC I got a bit horrified, and then excited again. I mean SLEEP OVER! With awesome fun people! w00t! But eventually the storm passed and they released us. When I went back to the hotel I discovered I forgot to remove the do not disturb from my door so My food cart was still there from 36 hours before. Awesome. I called they removed it and I have to say it was the first time I seemed to get an irritated employee from the hotel. I am telling you these people are TIDY! They like things CLEAN and 36 hour old fried rice was NOT something he was impressed with! We will see what tomorrow brings!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Philippines Travel logs – Day 2

Well, day two stated off with a bang. And I am not kidding it was a loud pop and a flash of light and a power outage in my hotel room. That’s what I get for using my own hairdryer while overseas I guess. So after a very embarrassing call and visit from the nice hotel handyman, I was informed it was just a breaker flipping but that my hairdryer is fried. I just got that hair dryer like a year ago! Good hairdryers are hard to find….then there was the visit from one of the hotel managers because I couldn’t get into my safe. I work for a computer company but apparently typing in a 5 digit code I picked out to open the darn thing is beyond me. Turn out I was not pushing the door hard enough when I was keying in the code. *eye roll* Since I didn’t know what time I needed to be to work I chose to go in early. If I knew this entailed me sitting in a lobby for 45 minutes while they decided to do with me I would have slept in. Once I got to where I needed to go (which was the 3rd floor not the 2nd) it was just fine. Working at night has not been an issue. There are windows in the call center, but since I am used to working in one without any the absence of daylight goes unnoticed by me. The hotel has great black out curtains so I don’t have issues sleeping during the day. In fact I find myself being surprised when I open them right before I got to bed and find it is REALLY bright outside. That was about it for day two. Ate some fried rice with prawns and ordered a chocolate croissant…which turned out to be 6 croissants….so I have breakfast for the “morning.” I did see on the news and they are expecting a typhoon, which from what I gather is just another word for hurricane. Awesome, rain and wind here I come.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Philippine Travel Logs - Day 1

Brandi dropped me off at the airport at 5 pm Saturday July 10th. I was in for 20+ hours of flying....thank goodness she told me to wear yoga pants. I was not as scared to fly this time. Airports are fairly easy to navigate. Most have English, which is nice but unexpected. I feel for travelers in our country that don't know English. Of course getting out of Twin was easy, SLC even easier. I smoked two cigs there because I had a feeling Vancouver BC was not about to have smoking areas. Canadians are not big on smokers eh. I asked the customs attendant if they had any, and was looked at like I was bat-turd crazy. For living so close to Canada, I have never been there. Got to tell you the Vancouver airport has to be my lease favorite, but I will reserve judgement till I experience Houston's. It was a pretty airport, lots of dangling glass walkways. That were empty. I mean empty. I was the only person in that airport for like 20 minutes. I was beginning to wonder if I was lost and somewhere I shouldn't be when the nice guy in the gray glass box waved and said Bonjour. Vancouver is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, but unexpectedly humid. I didn't think i would be being so far north, but it was in the 70s and my palms were wet. I was dreading the flight to the Philippines. 14 hours on a plane I expected to to speak only Tagalog. Shockingly, they used English only, until we landed when they used both English and Tagalog. I was not ticketed for the flight and was a little concerned. The loudspeaker system in Vancouver was about as useful as the empty walkways....I couldn't hear anything. I strained to hear but since the actual gates were behind glass doors and walls I was sitting on the floor in the main gate hallway with 200 Filipinos. They like to talk....loud and fast so I could not hear my name when they called it 7 times. Finally I grabbed an airport employee when they were leaving the gate. She asked for my name and said "We have been looking for you!" Really? TURN UP THE VOLUME. I hear very well, my firends tell me I whisper when I talk and am always telling others they are talking too loud...there is nothing wrong with my hearing. Took them 10 minutes to ticket me. When i got to my seat a nice 80+ year old Filipino woman showed me her ticket..and we had the same seat. I was not going to share so i went to the stewardess, while the lady took my seat. I stood in Business class for 20 minutes while they figured it out. She told me to wait there, which gave me time to wish I could stay there the whole flight! They were passing hot hot towels to the travelers in 1st class. Kinda glad I didn't get one. What am I supposed to do with it? The lady walks past me and get the lady from my seat. Seats her in 1st class and tells me to go back to my seat. At first I was irritated, but she was like 87 so better her then me I guess. The guy that sat next to me was an armrest hogger. I am a sharer, he was not. I spent the whole flight with his arm touching mine or my back because he refused to move. Even when he played with his Ipad. Speaking of I want on of those bad boys. When we filled out of customs declarations form he asked to borrow my pen. I wanted to ask him if I could borrow the armrest, but thought better of it. I managed to pass out 10 minutes after take off. I was asleep, my butt was asleep, my neck was asleep, and my left arm was asleep (mainly because the before-mentioned Ipad man would not move his dang arm). least I was asleep. They passed out those eye covers for sleeping. Never used on before but I used the crap out of that one. Got woke up for dinner, which smelled awful so I didn't eat. I woke up at 4 am (Idaho time) which was 4 hours in. Not bad but I had 10 to go. Passed out again and woke up at 8 am (Idaho time). With 6 hours to go I just need to get to sleep again. Was worried that my tummy was gurgling....not because I was hungry but because I had gas. I managed to sleep. Woke my self up by farting really loud. Looked around in horror to find everyone sleeping and made a mental note to SILENTLY dispel gas BEFORE going back to sleep. The arm rest stealer next to me never reclined his seat so I figured I would lean on the side of his chair. I mean we were cozy anyways since HE WOULD NOT MOVE HIS ARM and we had been touching for 8 hours anyways. As soon as I got comfy he decided to recline. Moron. Bet he heard the fart too. This guy must have no bubble. If I heard and felt someone fart I think I would move. I wrote it off because I thought maybe he was from a culture that just didn't have much of a bubble, but his passport was American. Weirdo. The next time I woke up we had 2 hours to go. They served breakfast, which smelled just as bad as dinner but I tried it because I was hungry. Managed about 2 bites, drank my coffee and nibbled on a roll. I was bummed I didn't have a window seat because we were flying off the coast of Japan, which I would have loved to see, but I would have had to reach across arm rest stealer to open the window so I just hope I will get to see it on the way back. I watched a movie that they were playing. The person across the isle asked if I wanted their head phones. Wish I was sitting next to him instead of arm rest stealer, but I declined noting there were subtitles so I didn't need any. Had a cute conversation with a 2 year old boy who was speaking Tagalog. He looked nothing like Xavie, but had the same build and big eyes so I took to him instantly. He spent the better part of the next hour bringing me his toys to play with while his mother laughed. He was a cute kid, but I never got his name. We finally landed and I was not looking forward to immigration/customs. The humidity here was not as bad as in Vancouver, which again confused me. Immigration took like 20 minutes, not too bad. Didn't grill me with questions like Panama immigration did. Got my bags and headed to customs. Easy again, less then 2 minutes! The airport instructions told me to take a right out the airport to their service station. Not there. Talked to a security guard who pointed in another direction entirely. I was at 17 hours of not smoking but lighting up without knowing I could for sure spelled disaster so I waited. Walked to the left till I found the transport station. Turns out it's to the right if you are LOOKING at the airport, not coming out of it. That would have been useful to know! My flight was early so i had to wait about 30 min for my driver. I asked where I would smoke and got the complete opposite reaction i did in Vancouver....I can smoke anywhere outside, and inside too unless there is a no smoking sign posted. w00t! Chain smoked two. Not a good plan because i was hungry and shaky from flying. Got my driver and got to the hotel. It was 5:30 am in Manila but i could have swore it 8 am rush hour by how busy the city was! The hotel is really nice! I don't know how everyone there knows my name. It was like and episode of Cheers. I walked in and 5 people were like "Ms Markwell, this way please." Alright, sure. Got my room and did a currency exchange. Feel rich because I have over $1000 whatevers in my wallet, but really that's like 40 bucks. Went to my room where i was given a tour. Huh. Then called my family and Brandi, who didn't answer! :D Decided I would order room service. Don't usually even though I can but since I will only eat one other time today and I am tired it seemed like a plan. Breakfast was HUGE and included asparagus.....which was very good! The milk here (for my Rice Krispies) is like half and half. The Mango juice was awesome and the pineapple amazing. The only thing I didn't like was the sausage. Oh and I can smoke in my room. So now I am going to bed to go to work tonight! :D

Friday, July 2, 2010

Well, it's here. What's here? Summers here! About time too. I have been so tired of the cold, the wet, and the windy. But this change in seasons is bringing big changes in my life...and I am a little lost I think. Stay? Go? Apply? Decline? Travel? Stay home? Business? Health care?

Really, all I want is to be a mom.

But that's not an option. So I am left in the spot of trying to figure out what I am going to accomplish that. I hate decisions. I really, really do.